Why You Need a Video on Your Website?

If you do a Google search for “why you need a video on your website” you will get pages of results indicating many reasons to add a video to your website and only a few indicating not to add that video. Megan Macedo at Twiggal.com put it like this:

“If you want to succeed online, a video is essential.”

Please, consider the following information from my Google search or you can do your own.

According to ChisumMultimedia.com, Online video is the fastest growing medium in the history of the world.

In January of 2013, Sean Rosensteel of Forbs.com stated that YouTube.com is the #2 search engine in the world. He sited additional information from Dr. Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D. suggesting a neurological predisposition toward visual information. She states that our brains are designed to attend to faces for information. She suggests that their is a specific region of the brain (Fusiform Facial Area) dedicated to recognizing this information. Additionally Dr. Weinschenk suggested that the human voice conveys additional meaningful information about the content being discussed. There is no way for text or a white page to convey either facial or verbal information. Emotions are contagious. If you passionately present your business, your clients will know and feel it. The contrary is also true, but generally business owners are passionate about a business they have begun for themselves and they have a good story to tell. Finally, we are inclined to attend to motion. Even subtle movements in video attract and keep our attention.

TechSmith.com states that a fun video can inform about the personality of your brand or your product. While the person is attending to your video and getting to know your company, they are learning about your product quickly. You can also create a persuasive presentation about your product and how or how well it works.

And let’s face it, when you looked at this page you probably did not want to read it. How normal do you think that is? In fact you have probably made an heroic effort to get this far down the page and are to be commended.

Bottom line and truth bomb for business owners, “If you want to succeed online, a video is essential.” Megan Macedo

(Yes, my video is in development!)



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